A white picket fence with birds flying above it.

maia arson crimew is my hero and model

A white picket fence with birds flying above it.

A thick computer with a light purple screen displaying the phrase Good Luck to you hi, welcome to my website! i'm Tomio. i'm in 10th grade at the Arlington Career Center, and i made this website for my DE Webdev class.
one of my biggest interests is art. all types! well, some of them. i love drawing (mostly digitally), i love writing, and i play the piano.

There is a rumour going around that I have found God. I think this is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist. Terry Pratchett

click on the TV to
see my journal!

A box TV displaying static.
a flashing, colorful gif with two minecraft diamonds next to a triagle with an eye above the word arachnocinogen. a gif emulating a computer dropdown that, when opened, reads the binary code 000010 a colorful gif with text in japanese and a cartoon girl. a white gif with green text that reads absolutely anything a pink gif that reads still using buttons in 2019! a red gif that says built eating cheez-it. cheez-it is written like the logo. an image that says click here to crush capitalism
a 0.5 photo of me